Wednesday, April 13, 2011

90 Minutes of Writing

I have been struggling lately with finding time to write. So when StumbleUpon gave me this website Monday evening, I was intrigued. I decided I would try it Tuesday morning if I woke up early enough.
Well, I not only woke up when my husband's alarm went off, I actually wanted to get up. I tried to make myself go back to sleep, but it was no good. I was up and writing twenty minutes later.
The website says to just write, but not being a college student any more with the luxury of as much time as I want (although it didn't feel like it then), I decided I would just work on projects as I wanted to, and not try to write on just one for 90 minutes.

I worked on one poem I had forgotten I had started, finished editing another, started editing one more, wrote something for yesterday's writing prompt at Daily Writing Practice, did some journal writing, reread and restarted The Cabin, wrote something for today's prompt at DWP, and this blog post.
Actually, I spent over two hours writing. This from someone who normally whines, 'I have no time to write.' I think the mere act of having a plan made me want to go make it happen. Instead of thinking, 'Oh, if I get up I'll try and get some writing done,' I was thinking, 'I need to get up and get that writing done.' A huge difference in those two thoughts.

I'm going to keep up this experiment, and I'll let you know how it goes.

cross-posted at Lizbeth's Garden.


  1. This sounds great, congrats on finding the time. I was writing this morning too! I will post about it.
