Sunday, January 25, 2009

Changes at our meetings

As I mentioned earlier I am going to change the focus of the writers group meetings. Starting at our next meeting on February 20th. We meet from 2-4 pm so the first 15 minutes will be devoted to meeting and greeting. At 2:15 our business will begin.

This first time we will do a timed writing for 15 minutes on a subject that I will provide. Then we will read what we have written. These will be stream of consciousness writings. There is no way you can do it wrong.

In future meetings we will have programs where we discuss writing topics such as Point of View, Creating Interesting Characters, Setting, Plot etc. I will be looking for volunteers for some of these, If you feel like you would like to research any of these areas and present it to the group, please contact me and we will put you on the schedule.

I would also like to set up another time where we do another critique. I need your input on this. Perhaps in March or April.

Also since these meetings will be focusing on writing if you want a meeting scheduled just as a write in then let me know and we can reserve another date at the villa. I need to know what your preferences are.


  1. Kate,

    Thanks for this. I've tried to join the yahoo group multiple times without success. Life with baby is getting settled down, so I'd like to get back with y'all. I'm hoping to make it in Feb. Take care.


  2. I can take the 'Creating an Interesting Character' if you don't mind. Thanks.

  3. This is Fantastic news. I can't wait to get back with you in February!

  4. Lee,

    I will set up a calender and you can pick what month you would like to present information on creating characters.


  5. Sounds good to me. I'll look for it. I'm looking forward to this.:o)
